Interesting point about a Mansfield Park film! I know I’m probably an unpopular opinion, but I enjoyed the 1999 Mansfield Park. It has some problems, and I definitely have some critiques too (namely with the lack of consistency with Fanny’s character) but overall I thought it had fairly good interpretation of the main themes of the book relating to virtue and appearance versus reality. I think I read somewhere that they tried to combine Fanny with some elements of Austen herself. I’m not sure that worked well in this case, but the breaking of the 4th wall was a creative way to try to communicate the internal monologue. I also thought it was more artfully filmed than previous adaptations that I know of. It was almost like a precursor to the 2005 Pride and Prejudice.

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Thank you so much for sharing my piece, Haley.

Also these are some fantastic Halloween costumes - and I'm thinking what an interesting dinner conversation this would be with all these characters... St Margaret of Scotland chatting away with Phantom of the Opera, etc.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Haley Stewart

What great costumes! I was secretly hoping my 7 year old would want to be Kiki but she had other plans. I love your insights about Mansfield Park. I’d love to see it made into a good movie because honestly, the book is a bit hard for me to get through but I love Fanny!

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What did your 7yo decide to be? I love the funny things kids come up with.

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A “Puppy Princess.” She loves to just piece stuff together every year so she’s always made it very easy on me!

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Ooh is the Didion book good? I'm a huge fan of hers but I've heard mixed reviews on this one!

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I thought it was really, really good!

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Delightful--can't wait to grab it from the library then!

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I think you hit the nail on the head about Mansfield Park and film. I also really enjoyed the Edgar Allen Poe piece. And absolutely will be getting The Curious Christmas Trail-my son has finally got to the point where he’s interested in more long form books and he LOVES The Pursuit of the Pilfered Cheese.

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Oh yay! So glad to hear that.

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