
Cracked up at your comment about your son introducing you to music. When my kids were teens, I'd often ask about the music they were playing - stuff that I liked but didn't recognize. It often went like this:

Me: Ooh, I like this. What is it?

Teen: It's Modest Mouse.

Me: .... is that the song or the band?


Thanks for reminding me of this!! And thank you for your wonderful work!

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Years and years ago, when the doomsayers were all predicting population explosion, Dr. Janet Smith was the voice crying in the wilderness saying it wasn’t so. It turns out she was telling the truth all along but few people were listening.

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The paragraph about music and the gif that followed made me cackle. So excellent!

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Just wanted to say I did recently become a full subscriber, and while I enjoyed (and am still thinking about) your Tradwives post, I’m really just here for Jane Austen.

Ok, just kidding. (Mostly.) I’ve been a long time reader of yours!

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