Mar 3, 2023Liked by Haley Stewart

Those illustrations 😍😍😍

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I'm so glad you like them! I'm obsessed!

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Haley Stewart

Aw, what a beautiful dream. It sounds like a true gift from your friend! I had a similar one after a dear friend/former boyfriend was also killed in a car accident this past summer and will treasure it forever.

The podcast series with J.K. Rowling sounds fascinating and I'm excited to check it out. Thanks for sharing!

Also, my daughter (also a Lucy!) was recently gifted a signed copy of the first mouse nuns book by her godmother. I read it to her every night last week after spending all day with my momma in Hospice, and it was such a balm to my soul. She passed away on Monday and I will forever think of your book as a literary hug during such a hard time. ❤️

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Mary, thank you for sharing this. It means so much to me that the Sisters of Our Lady Star of the Sea kept you company during such a difficult time. I'm so sorry for your loss.

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Mar 4, 2023Liked by Haley Stewart

Thanks for sharing the New Yorker article. Completely fascinating for this English-major-turned-tech-professional! Tyler and I often discuss whether we will encourage our girls to pursue humanities in college like we did (if they’re interested), or if we will try to push them toward STEM degrees. It’s so complicated.

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It *is* so complicated! I can see Benjamin really thriving in a program like our Baylor GTX program, but seeing so many friends struggle to find word that supports a family with humanities degrees I also want him to be able to get a job. But I really want that humanities background just for his formation as a human being! I think one key thing is not taking on enormous debt for college--something that was considered perfectly safe during our time in college--until it wasn't.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Haley Stewart

I love the book club--having so much fun discussing your posts with my sisters! I also love that you're talking about the importance of humanities--that's a big part of classical ed so I thought I'd shamelessly plug a new national online classical school called Great Hearts that is set to open next year. Check it out! I know the people running it could possibly even do an interview with you if you are interested!

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Hi Christine! I've heard of Great Hearts as brick and mortar schools but haven't checked out their online program. Interesting!

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The podcast on Rowling! It's very eye-opening. I had literally no knowledge about Tumblr. That episode helped me understand how things seemed to go crazy in an instant. I'm loving it so far!

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1) Every time you mention Tallahassee my mind goes straight to my favourite TV show, Once Upon A Time. It’s this mythical place to me because Emma never makes it there but finds her happy ending somewhere unexpected. I highly recommend the series too!

2) Definitely checking out that podcast. I have time for JKR so interested to hear what it says.

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