Thanks for sharing Ted Gioia’s essay. He sends an important message. That said, I’m optimistic that at least a large minority will avoid these new dopamine traps. At the societal level, we’ve shone a spotlight on and mostly overcome similar addiction crises over the past few decades: cigarettes, opiates, sugar, to name a few. Even discussing the evils of social media is becoming more and more mainstream (Netflix’ the Social Dilemma).

Millions of people are still buying and reading books, as you well know!

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Future podcaster?! Say more 😁 (I miss fountains of carrots!)

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Haley, Pope St. John Paul II was a theatre kid too, and so was one of my younger brothers, so your son is in good company (I, on the other hand, was a “Knowledge Bowl nerd”). Has your son read JPII’s play The Jeweler’s Shop?

I’m also excited to hear that about your son because, even though it can be hard being a Catholic in the theatre crowd, a lot of times people in that crowd have a lot of misconceptions and false stereotypes about Catholics, and through your son and your family, I’m sure Jesus will radiate His love to these teenagers that at the very least will plant some seeds that just might grow and blossom at some point in their lives. Love and true friendship are very powerful things!

Lastly, I decided to subscribe because I love that you’re a fellow Catholic nerd and that you have an appreciation for the true, the good, and the beautiful, and I wanted to support that! Also, Brandon Vogt is a friend of mine (it’s a small Catholic world here in the USA). You definitely are a Catholic artist (writers are artists too), and if you haven’t already read Pope St. John Paul II’s letter to artists, I encourage you to give it a read.

Here is a link: https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/letters/1999/documents/hf_jp-ii_let_23041999_artists.html

I hope you feel better! Also, I don’t know if your husband has ever been to Schell brewery in New Ulm, MN or not, but I hear very good things about that place.


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